watching tbiex n0w .
just n0w just baked a cake . hmmm* nice nice. c0rz g0rt cake mixer. lols*
co0ked barleyx later fer mummiex. hees*
today as usual ... supposed end sch at 4. but cher ends at 230. went hm at 3 . reach home by 4.
watchingx lurfe storm just n0w. soo0 nice. vivan reali v prettyx. vic zhou v ydk . just like jay zhou . hees*
today h0me tyme g0rt khakix. as usual .. min and eddie was likee.. hmmm* of c0rz quarrel wib pple. so sch was n0t so interesting. not c0rz of him . just wanna say tt lyfe is nt that fun. and is getting v v sians . how much i wished i cud passed my o lvl eng asap . and get OUT Of sch liew* a slacking lyfe shud be fun , but in tt environment -.-" i doubt so ... get so tired of it. although sort of fun. =x im so contradict.
dee* miss u damn lorts u knoe ? when are u free ? can go out wibx u ? =x
jess * u and ivan is soo swit. continue swit huhs. =D all the bests.
ying* u wrk and sch same tyme , tt hotel got mistreat u ? hw cum sms ½way u no reply -.-" get ur hotel dip so0n ok ? =D
miss AY DJ.
lurfe DEAR. waiting fer u to cum back wors. today is the dun knoe how many 1st mth we had liew* . hope der will be many many mths hees* take caree wors . WAIT FER UR PAYDAY! lols*
* since days i`ve been blogging *
hees* ytd went to dear`s house. our one week meeting was shot. was abt 1 hr + went to ah ma house slpx.
finalie ytd everything went smoothx. =D im happie*
just came back from wrk . it was a tiring day . we stand almost all day l0ng. sm0ke 2 cig =x these few days i`ve been continously smoking nehs. die die* nafa cuming scaree* esp so0o0o lONG no exercise nehs.
wrk place was kinda fun but also kinda pek check when i heard the own pple [ i mean the booses there ] shouting here and dun knoe wad the hell they like to argue abt. was farkin FAN + irritating. typically spoilt my mo0d. fwens was nice. no much regret getting in . after much disscusing , we decide ytd nid not pay us.
gonna be a short blog. th else fer me to blog as nth much happened. i had actualie felt smthing wrong and i just dun like it. dun pretend tt u like me when u`re not. but i w0nt kinda think much . as this kind of things dun worth fer me to think. things will just change without u noticing it.
i`m getting more to lurfe my mummie. LOL* corz she`s gifing me money buying clothes. =x of corz im go0d. i wont spent much . just gonna nid to get one skirt or jeans and one tops. tts all. im gonna buy b4 spore sales end. =D thank mummie.
tml going wrk early 1 hr. hope able to do so. wans to buy tops from e-base. as fer bottom , just see...
*dear! i miss ur massage ! im old. shoulder is damn ache. hees*
sians lyfe these few days .
in sch n0w . nthbetter to do . gonna brk so0nx.
lyfe fer these few days are terrible + horrible. nt goin out ltr. gonna head fer cafe. new j0b seh. and its a LOW pay rate j0bx. but g0t to kn0e lorts of fwens. and since its a new cafe. it reaie psycho me to stayed on instead of changing another j0bx. perhaps will stay fer a few mths l0hsx.
QUARRELS QUARRELS QUARRELS. fark* maijiam w0nt end. never ending wars . fark sia. who is the one wrong ? -.-"
gonna goin brk liew.
back home. 1st tyme mummie sms t0 asked me wer am i.
im happie ; its funn miting u girls.
went to clementi after sch . of corz wearing sch - U is a farking BIG problem. but good thing IT`S SOLVE. the 1 hr $2/- arcarde i love it. all of the girls were der but you knoe wad den. wen kinda sians or wadever . today main topic whud be on — TING // LING . corz they are the ones long tyme no see. AND I HATE PPLE FROM SIMEI! =X lols* corz their sch are damn farkin nicee...>.< * im kinda jealous and regret whys i did not listen to advice and enter to tt sch -.-" they haf cafeteria. wib air -con and music or rather chi pop. >.<>
for sch ; as usual. lyfe in sch is so stupid. today got khaki acc me home and to sch. and of corz tt idoit SLOWPOKE. TOOK SO LONG TYME TO REACH INTER.!! made me wait fer ½ hrs. IDOIT! after sch as usual . ended lesson early. supposingly at 430pm. but ended at 3pm. went to safra see them pak BILLARD.and u knoe... its sort of SIAN lohs. onlie EDDIE go0d and gentle man enuff.. he suggested tt open pool table. so that WE GERS wont be so boring. wows* good heart of his. not like u knoee.... JACKK.. or wadever .. =x taught min how to play po0l. kinda badd.. =x maijiam teach her bad like datt. but sumhow.. u knoe wad.. just dun like... hmmm`x.... u knoe l0hs.
*OH YAH* saw JESS!! so happie. then saw daryl on bus. and xuefen and lydia. sad ah . no fate wib jonathan liew. if not can beat him =x
interview had been postponed to thurs. aeverything kana postponed . so stupid. spoilt my whole plannin. tml cuming home after sch. gonna be a guai kia fer da dayx. mayb help mummie clean house? hees*
tired sia.
as usual . went to sch slack . but this time got communication projects lieww* I DO IT ALL BY MYSELF LEHS* -.-" then same — back wif jackx. 168*
met wen at cwp slack and eat. and she bought again da strawberry cig -.-" tok one onlie. c0rz nt feeling well.
ytd dear came my house.. hees* dear ahx. n0w my house huh. feel free to drop by liew* finalie dun nid hide dere hide der ler huh. =D
nth much to blog. got to do the project , feeling hen xing ku nehs. headachee ; cough ; flu ; just h0pe w0nt get fever.. hees*
tml no PE. no bridge programmes. YES* sch at 10 ! shiokx. hope tml got khaki acc me home and sch. =D
hmm`x. just came back from cck wibx wen. =D
had a fun tyme at kbox. stupid seh . stupid dental dua me!! >.< say wed 430 ehs. then reached der closed fer dinner -.-" so stupid. then todayx was nt a go0d day in sch . everyone seemed to be troubled. min by her fwens thingy. ryan by girls , eddie by everything. jack ah.. as usuals girls to0x. as fer me. . pointless to say .
wen was lame enuff. and im happie. she had brighten my day up inside da box. sooo cheap seh now. kbox onli $7/- LOL* cheap cheapx. ji taoz ½ price lehs. >.< i lufe the [ lian ren wei man ] tts reali makes and bright the end of my nite.
dear`s f0ne das lost. ITS A MISFORTURNE . >.< so unlucky. maijiam we dun meant to contact each other like tt .-.-" tt time was bc0rz he no line. no no. n0w g0t line n0 f0ne. ka0x. alr one week 0nce meeting. and n0w he g0t his l0st f0ne. wad the... * wanna to brk us up meh ? =x wait longg2 . waiting fer dear to reach home. gonna bathe so0nx.
tml g0nna out wibx wen t0 orchardd.. wo0os. so long no go orchard liew* g0nna take payy.. den sh0ping!! hees* tt tyme suppose to go bugis shop. but dun knoe why no go liew* f0rget . cann0t spent to0 much m0ney tml. g0nna spent on sentosa. *opps g0nna had a tyme to tok to dear liew* ...
sat is my deadline fer my diet. MY DOG! sure will land on my hand ehhs. heehee* just u wait and see.. mayb maple later till 12. tml got to wake up at 6 sehs. -.-
missin yous((*
*i seriously had a farking bad mo0d today .* shud i say NOW.
i HATE to be lonely. im just all alone. came home at 4. finish sch at 230 . supposingly klas shud ends at 4. expected* went h0me wibx daii and jack as usual . did nt meet dear and suuann at TM. *lazie*
TTS WHY I OFTEN SAY NO BEST FWENS FOREVER. in da 1st place shud not had form those farking wad girls girls thingy . things often repeat history `~ sec life and NOW. stop claiming dat we are go0d fwens. i hate to HAD things in my lyfe and LOST it. if kn0e tt things wud be like wad we expected ; shud nt had started it onlie make each of us HURTS. wad fer having all these memories when it onlie reminds us and made us think ?
i SWEAR im nt gonna had any of go0d fwens or rather best fwens in my lyfe. i WUD RATHER GET guys to be fwens . or rather LES. wad fer having go0d sis ? *I DUN BELIEVE*
-wads the point ?-
kinda feel like goin to MS. wib this fark up mo0dx.
wen ;; promised me one last time. sentosa promise shall not be break okie ? i`m gonna put all these memories into a coffin and let it rest in peace. and tt the cover shall not be lifted up anymore.
*lyfe wud be better without bothering things in da past *. just continue wibx it — dont let it be a burden .
watching tbie ; playing maple now .
today dismissed so early. as usual ... and did nth in klas also . played net dai de [ but kept on d/c -.-" ] then after less0n . during break we played daidee again . =x
nua during fau less0n. so stupid and boring seh. spent 1 hr inside. at 4 , we are dismissed. so earlie seh. dun wanna go h0me and be al0ne =x tt time at least g0t wrk .n0w n0 m0re j0b to kip me occupied liew. mayb rest one week ?
gonna go sentosa wib wen h0pe angel going. hees*
oh yahx~ then after sch to0k 168 wibx jack and ah daii. daii reached home nt l0ng fr0m scho0l. to0k 168 to inter as usual. jack to0x. then he said he can acc me to cwp walked walked. lols* walk walk a while eat eat a bit. then went pasa malam. lol* today learnt a bit abt jack . kn0e tt at least he`s nt so cb. =x lol* a 21 yrs old guy wud also wanna TRY OUT NEW STUFFS HUH? =x went h0me at 640. reached h0me at 7pm sharp. watch tbiee. till n0w seh -.-" haben bathhe. hees* gonna bath at 10. play maple till 1045. then search tt language thingy // by tt tyme dear will be at h0me liew =D . gonan slp at 12am. tml g0t to wake up at 630 lehs!! -.-"
OH YAH! found tt jack g0t the same interest as me. after each meal. got to eat one swit to feel confortable. LOL* i tot onlie i got this habits ! h0w i knoe.. wahaha. g0t kha ki. and met up dee to take o lvl cert and went sch tgt. but in da end she PS me after her sch. kaos. tot she say after less0n msg me eh... nvm. it`s go0d to hab ur new lyfe...
these few days often came h0me late sehs. ; had been sching ;slacking ; wrking ; gaming .
ytd went 0ut wibx dear t0 bugis then he sent me t0 wrk then he went fer his c0usin`s bdayx.
t0day im very happie. i finallie kn0w wad`s famile gathering. s0 much laughter s0 much warmth . c0usin came back fr0m beijing. make ah ma and all of us ; sh0cked. c0rz uncle meant t0 be a suprise . ah ma was s0 happie . * shud be bah* 0r rather c0rz i t0k a l0t wibx cheryl . it was realie a fun day . seems like im also getting old .. =x all of them realie gr0wn up sia.
i shall find one day nuaing at gerl`s h0use. anyway she lives at tamp ; my sch als0 at tampx. she suntanned till maijiam gonna evolve liew sehhx -.-" LOL*
tml sch at 130. gonna meet dee and jess. jess to passed her the indian customs. dee to take o lvl cert. then go sch tgt. =D after quiting from box , f0und myself much relaxing . c0rz dun nid to entertain customers. mayb i shall find other j0bs. BUT. shud i find a j0b wib higher PAY ? or shud i find a simple longlasting j0bx wibx n0rmal payx ? how how how ?
waiting dear`x h0me. g0nna draw the logo and play maple. hees* bl0gg till heree..
* just woke up *
watching [ tong xin yuan ] now. =] tt fyn so slut . ? everyone says so . lols*
wah liew* today is a wasting day fer me . stupid sch lehs.
knoe wad? i woke up early in da morning 8 fer sri lesson at 10. i skipped yap lesson corz its a wasting of tyme if i went also ... but u knoe wad again ? i reached sch late and they told me der`s a speech goin on -.-" wad the.. then jiu went lohs tot aft tt at least got sri lesson still okie. -.-" in da end went to the lesson to0k ler attendance then sch dissmissed . =x sort of happie and sad bahx =x
we finished everything at 1130. nowhere go . in da end eddie min and ryan went to tamp [ kbox] sing klunch. $7 each nia . sang till 130. left eddie and min tgt singing.. * must be swtt huh* OH YAH. forget to say tt eddie`s singing was damn nicee...and i will gonna say its musics to my ears. =x then to0k cab wif ryan and ivan to paradiz while me to tpy. mit lance and to0k my cheque . got my cash ... finalie everythin settle.. got my bus pass. top my ezlink., now onlie left buying my blouse and my pml skirt. and my dental bill oh yah! and my fone bill . =] o hyah oh yahx. on my way to inter. i say DEE! so qiaox. ! =D
initiallie goin out wibx dear to bugis. ½ way smth crop up and eneded up everything spoilt my mo0d of going out. then i decided to stayed at home. wad wad fark* i`ve got a headache . tot nth much.. went playing maple wib dear. =x then ended up wif a serious headache. went fer a nap corz wanna watch tbie sehs. gonna play maple later. hao bu rong yi early at home. must spent more tyme at homee.. =x
**__'' h0w cum things had been different fer me ..
*tiring day*
today seems like a slacking day fer me -.-"
went to sch at 10. do nth seh . brk 1½ hr went to TM wib min ; ryan ; dai ; and eddie. LOL* eddie is so kute. bth* kan ah gua/. =x lols`~ slack man . studie nt even 2 hrs then tot got PE. who knoes no PE. =.- ends up playing BB wif those guys. LOL* mayb too long no exercise. then gian a bit exercise . lol*
then reach wrk place at 6pm. start wrk at 7pm so jiu slack ard der...
and went there sing ktv and pak pool wib riv and ryan . LOL* so shiokx. then angel and roy came. acc them a while after work . then jiu went home at 1115. =D
oh yah* got myself a M1 card. wen also got. =x dear also habx. gonna sms liek siaox during sch lesson liew* haha `~ shiok shiok shiok * 9000 sms lehs. now got one more problem. i use mummie gif me de student pass money go buy sim card. LOL* and i haben buy my guy`s blouse. LOL* total i still nid $40/- lehs. -.-" shud i get blouse tml 1st or shud i get pass 1st ??
*shud dear wrk full or shud he wrk PT? -.-"
back from wrk .
today went to sch typically slacking seh -.-" reached sch at 130. was told dat der was a speech goin on .then we sttend the speech and it ended at 3. supposingly having lesson at 3. then we slack till 330. -.-" less0n till 5. u knoe wad we did ? spent 2 hrs grping ourself. and tok abt sum topics goin on. then dissmissed -.-"
wasting time seh . -.-" speech also no take attendance. fau klas also no habx -.-"
tml actualie starting at 830 . not goin fer the bridge programmes. dun feel like goin seh .. waste time.
so gonna wake up at 8 tml .hees* lesso0n at 10. next week mayb goin. then mayb will mit up wif dee. =D her lesson at 9// .
my head is damn pain. fark* i hate panadols. i dont take drugs . =x lols* -.-"
tml wrking same 7-10 . oh yahx. got my 70$ de pay . fer 3 days and 10 hrs de wrk . =x LOL getting kbox pay so0n. + the OT cheque . claiming tgt the money at TM bahx. =D so it wud be less troublsum . today mable was quite sort of dulan . but hope not me bahx. =]
miss lorts of pple. esp dearx = x opp* im zhong se qing you seh . of corz miss jaw. as well as dee lohs. =D
back fr0m w0rkx . lance angel went to my wrkplace.
toked to hx. found tt she`s reali very the lonely and ke lians. she realie nid a fwen . if not she will go back to ian`s side. i mean if she realie sort out properly aain and found tt even though ian gan is a BASTARD ; she still lurfe him , i reallie also cant do anything and nth to say . this is her lyfe. she will choose her pathx. i just wished tt she wud wake up and get away from him . he`s realie nt a good guy and ders no gd pt to say abt him at all. i mean fer the case ; if he still got a few good pt i might consider speaking fer him. but ... — der`s NONE.
sorry HX to say tt u are stupig . i reali cant find other wrd to describe u lehs. WAKE UP GIRL .PLS~ it used to be not my problem . but i heard and witness everything . i realie cant stay der doing nth . sorrie fer my KPOness.
drank a bit wibx lance while playing 5-10 . he lost ! =x LOL*
h0w cum n0wadays everyone seems so problematic ?
*lance`s is d0wn . asking why lyfe has been so weak . nope boy u are wrong u wud say dat was bcorz of ur close ones who had passed awayx. dont ever think tt lyfe is weak . c0rz no matter how weak it is . lyfe will had to go on . stop saying tt u d0nt hab the capable to earn much money fer ur father . u see ? ur father may be use to it. money is not everythin as i told u in msn . so wad if u got lort of money and letting him enjoy ? den shall i asked u .. do u knoe wad ur father or mother realie wants? wad they realie nids ? are they reali tt short of money ? will they be happie if they got loads of money now ? u are alr 20+ try to think in a proper way kies? but fer me ; i will be der always fer u .
*i knew der will be no fwens forever in dis world. or rather nth is forever. i believe* my past old fwen i surely hope tt they haben forgif me yet. i knew der`s sumthing wrong in j.a.w . no matter who read this ; i still wanna say ... perhaps once fwen tts enuff ... we used to able to contact each other almost every day .and now ? lance asked me to cor w . but./ even so .. is der any use ? att also change. sumtimes no pt if u know the ans .
*how cum lyfe dont seem to be easy fer me this few weeks ? there`s problem up and down . im reali nt used to it . quarrelled wib dearx ytd . and was quite dulanx . cors of ? contacting .u kneo wad ? i dun realie like to hear pple`s family anti me. i mean... hearing other pple mum`s niam sayign wad too yng to hab gf wadever. its maijiam i destroying their lyfe -.-"
will gonna be an busy mth fer me.
mon tue will gonna be wrking 7 till 10 . wed thur will be my dear`s dayx. fri sat 9 - 3 / 9-4 . sun will be my freelance dayx. dun kneo wrking or not .not fixed yet . sheldue is damn packed. anyone nid me to be out wibx them pls booked me in advance wors. =x lols* at least one weeks ahs.
im damn short of money . i nid to get money fer my sch text bo0k. dun dare to asked mummie fer money . lucky last mth de pay still left sum . corz dental last mth onli paid $30/- =x bill mummie paid fer me. then tb cost ard 100/- seh . + sch u lehs. all my saved de money. now i left 40/- -.-"
v tired ; shag .
back fr0m wrk ; rush .
waiting fer the d.ling of maple. sure wait till tml. hope mummie tml w0nt switch off the switch of the connecti0nx .-.-" PLS man.
head is kinda giddy sia. bth* v xing ku. dear`s angry . i knoe. but i wanna do nth . i dun knoe liew* all i can i did . last day of wrk — was late . mic say nth . finish at 11:15. nth much interesting happened. except. lance got me a free fish and chip . i merely told him i wanna eat anything. he got everyone such a simple meal like duck rice , chicken rice or wadever and he got me such a nice food -.- was shocked. then i paid him. but i came to knoe he got me a so cor zippo . a nice one. the one sumthing liek i told him i wan it in mlysia. and he rem. and he paid me back my fish and chip money o.o" lance ; thx lorts. i lurfe it. =] oh yah; say eyelyn and leo ; zhiwei mi mi yan on my way to work .
ian picked me up at suntec. was on my way to MS. his bday today . he drank lorts. and seh.. and cause lorts of stupid things happened. nvr drank much wib him . went to QW side. much more happening. his fwens was much more talkative. fer me i felt it`s much more easy communicate. played 5-10 wibc then and directi0n wibx them . drank ler chivas and beer. damn er xin . and i won quite no. of times. quite of satisfy . lOl. went home by NR. oh yahx! saw liping ; see hao ; ken ; and got to kn0e two new ger fwens. =]
tml gonna wrk . hope i w0nt get to neglect fwens ; dear ; mummie. lyfe wasnt easy fer me ... i must be rem tt im a grown up .
went to sch as usual . finsih earlier again . end at 1150 . reached home at ard 1 . slack eat a bit then met up wib dearx at bugis. to0k mrt . taking mrt alone is boring . -.-" i detest to be alone.
went to bugis got my pmk skirt . gonna get another one. 30% sales seh =x then slack and went to eat swensens. spent ler $50+ on swensens. did not went to changi as planned. =x since we ended up at bugis. to0ks ler neoprints. i like it . =x
watched my laogong`s show! omg* its nice!!! it not boring at all. he`s damn ydk !! omg* furkee. =x sooo cool huhs.
dear ah . tt 23 ydk guy. must intro huh . =x LOL* i wan him play me a s0ng. =x LOL. dun be selfish . u wan i also wan . =x
d0nt often slack outside till so late lehs. PS me seh . =x LOL* kies lahs. take care huhs. miss lurfee u .
____ x. [ 20010' Joanne's wishList .
____ x. [ IT'S JUST ME. *
name* Joanne
age* 22
bday* 260188
horoscope* Aquarius
school* RP- graduated
blood type* O +
____ x. [ ICHIGO'S LOVES.
my girl friends
my poly classmates
Lee Jia Ying& Lee Jia Jun
Lee Yong Sheng
My Mummy
stars in the sky*
E- / shopping / kpool / kbox*
people ACCUSE*
people ACT-ING*
people DAO-ing*
HelloKITTY cafe / wedding /suzuki swift sports hello kitty car* / bmw coupe
Japan / RendangIsland / Macau / Taiwan
My getaway trip to bintan/ KL / redang
My proposal with fireflies
SLIM DOWN -to 49kg* after babies
Hello kitty handphone
Money money
Gucci Bag
Burberry Bag
Coach HandBag
Different range of Perfumes
Build a Bear [ daniel ]
5 pair of Heels
For My darlings.
- Baby car restrainer x1
- Baby Toy'r'us "Jump Jump" Toys
- Single Pram
- More baby toys 6mths +
... Links to all my darlings
Ichigobliss's MultiplyPage
MummyloveDaddy's MultiplyPage
Poly Classmates
Franklin colleagues